You took


You took the sparkles from my eyes,
You dragged me outta my paradise.
You made my young smile dissapear,
Everytime that you where here.

You took my spirit and my soul,
You didn't give me any control.
You have abused and broken me
Everytime over and again i see.

You took my body many times,
You persued countless crimes.
You are the one who is to blame,
Everytime i am ashamed.

You took my happiness and peace,
You gave me nightmares endless as seas.
You have made me watch my back,
Everytime afraid you would attack.

You took my hope and future to,
You have ruined all i could do.
You made me live now with a storm,
One that i now must transform.

So I am trying to heal myself.
And put your memories on a shelf.
Although it's hard since I'm a contradiction,
And that has start to become an addiction.

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Over dit gedicht 

Geplaatst op: 09-01-2017

Beoordeel dit gedicht nu

Over deze dichter

Missy (Actief sinds: 18-05-2016)

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Dit gedicht gaat over wat iemand allemaal van je neemt bij misbruik. Eigenlijk is het nog veel meer en veel uitgebreider maar ik vond het zo al heel wat.


Op dit gedicht ‘You took’ van Missy zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op