The things i say

Anja k

I never should have said,
The things i said to you
I think it's All the emotion
And the pain I'm going true.

But you give me, that feeling
That i can talk to you.
And i hope you understand
Why i say the things i do.

I know for you it's not right
And you don't need to hear
But understand i am doing this
Out of emptyness and fear.

I know you see right true my words
That's Why you are my friend
By being patiënt with my words
You give a helping hand.

I know it's not real love i feel
But it's just cause you care
And i appreciate your help
I hope that you're aware.

So stay my friend,
And don't give up
Although Some days are bad
Cause friends are there i happy times
But also when they are sad.

So when i say those things i said
Don't judge me by my words
I trust you and I'm telling all
Cause inside it just hurts.

And know I'm there for you to talk.
When no one seem to care.
I'll be you're friend in sad and good
No matter what, I'm there .

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Geplaatst op: 01-04-2017

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Over deze dichter

Anja k (Actief sinds: 28-12-2016)


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