William Tell

Willem Bernardus Tijssen

William Tell. It will be well,
if you put your country out
of the missery well. For the
sake of your country and
the cause of unity, You
bear it's destiny to set it free.

William Tell, it will be well,
if you succeed in it well.
In that struggle you'll be the
only star. The purpose of that
reality is close as well as far.
It's just one moment of steady
equilibrity, which will made it
possible to get your fee.

William Tell, it will be well,
if you do it in one shot well.
They place that apple on your
mother's head, and to hit it is
the only success you can get.
So you pull the string of your
crossbow to accomplish your
duty in a nervous show.

Willim Tell, all went well
You were steady until the
ultimate tel. The arrow pulverized
the burden ties of the enemy.
The fallen apple settled your
people's freedom plea.

William Tell, all went well.
You ended an endless spell
by the notion that freedom is
sometimes one decision away.
To take the right one could just
be the wisdom of one day.

Over dit gedicht 

Geplaatst op: 07-12-2015

Gedicht beoordelen

Gemiddelde cijfer: 9
Aantal beoordelingen: 1

Over deze dichter

Willem Bernardus Tijssen (Actief sinds: 02-03-2015)

Informatie bij het gedicht

Schrijver: Willem B. Tijssen

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