Broken In The Bud
If a rose is in a bud,
Just after winter had ends its secret plot;
It is sometimes cruelly stopped to grow,
Before it is able his first collors to show.
Many storms had passed you,
You did not get too smal;
And again and again through the clouds
You were the sun that shone on us all.
Trampled, crushed but still alive
You layed the ground for our survive;
And again and again you 'rose' sweet and pure
You secured our faith for sure.
For between a field of flowers
Stood a rose that forsook never.
That rose was you,
Then and forever.
Over dit gedicht
Geplaatst op: 27-04-2015
Over deze dichter
Willem Bernardus Tijssen (Actief sinds: 02-03-2015)
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