Not Nameless

Willem Bernardus Tijssen

Be Not nameless to stay te same!
Every day one calls you by the name,
Which gou have got the first day of your life,
Which you curves in trees with your knife.
It is your well known sound by repeat.
It is your personal code for every one you meat.
So you use it in your daily game,
On the street of life, where everybody knows your name.

Be Not nameless to stay the same!
Every day one calls you by the name,
Which you be able to share with your wife,
To give it with her to your children to surive.
It is sometimes the sound of a personal defeat.
It also could make you famous by the greatness of a daily deed.
So if you bear it with chances of fame,
You go to the places , where everybody will know your name.

If you want to stay the same;
Never make others to change your name.
In a way you never want to be,
To become an other person, than you like to see.
And if it will never got an eternal fame;
Even in daily life it won't put you in shame.
One day it will be called on the last day you stand,
By the only, who had written it in the palm of your hand.

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Geplaatst op: 29-03-2015

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Willem Bernardus Tijssen (Actief sinds: 02-03-2015)


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