For Uncle Rudolf

Anne Kurpershoek

darling, you died that night.
nobody would have thought.
I have loosed up a family, friend and uncle
You need to shoot hit suddenly, the time has come, or were you too tired?
I do not know.
Why had to go so well.
The whole world can now hear and understand my grief.
Because you've gone to heaven.
I do not say goodbye.
I see no reason.
When I gave you my last kiss?
if I could laugh with you?
I've forgotten it all.
But I can you still get me.
You are on the case.
you're with me day and night deep in my heart.
I write this from the bottom of my heart.
not just here because I thought of you.
You'll never forget that I will keep you forever.
And everyone will continue to rely on you.
I too.
will I ever be with you. Very close.
darling, you died in that awful night.
That night, from despair and grief.
I remember you.
And I hope you know me either.

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Geplaatst op: 10-01-2014

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Anne Kurpershoek (Actief sinds: 10-01-2014)


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