The saplings of the Confluence

Soul Treasures

The saplings of the Confluence
They have to grow their roots

They grow them deep
They grow them strong
They grow them in the Good

They choose the food they need to grow
They don't just eat from surface

No they go deep
not just for show
they grow with a clear purpose

Deep rooted trees
withstand the storm
they stand tall and fierce

No storm will shake them from the Good
No storm will bring them tears

They bend and flex and wave
their leaves, they may rustle

But they won't break
No they won't fall
In any storm or bustle

Patiently they grow their fruits
they know what future brings

They provide shelter for all
While the wind sings

The saplings of the Confluence
They grow their roots deep

Don't stay dormant little seeds
now is no time to sleep

Awaken and grow your roots
Rise to the Light

Conquering your fears
Will strengthen roots with might

Nothing now can stop your growth
The Gardener's by your side

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Geplaatst op: 29-08-2023

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Soul Treasures (Actief sinds: 21-11-2016)


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