Time has come

Joris Olivier

Time has come

When the red sun rises at dawn,
her silhouet is like a shadow from the night,
in the scattering light of the sun,
red color of her dress is changing in white,

like the wings of a fairy in fairytales.
The birds are singing lovesongs,
the trees wave their welcome leaves,
and I can’t breathe no more.

But when daylight diminishes her shadow,
my fairy disappears in a mist of dust.
The birds stop their singing
and the leaves don't wave anymore.

In the silence that falls over me,
I weep my tears on my cheeks.
Slowly I disappear in the blue sky,
knowing it’s my time to die.

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Geplaatst op: 13-08-2023

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Joris Olivier (Actief sinds: 09-06-2023)


Op dit gedicht ‘Time has come’ van Joris Olivier zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op Dichters.nl.