Autism Melt down

Gedichten Blue rose - Vicky

 day by day
 they ask me how I feel
 I feel like I wanna crawl out my skin
 the whole day, every day
 because I feel terrible
 I feel just pain
 pain that no one understands
 at least that’s what I think...

 are you feeling
 even a small part of it
 please just tell me
 and try to explain
 I don’t need much
 a little love en attachment
 a shoulder to cry on

 I walk in the dark
 and try to forget everything
 wish it was that simple
 I wish I was better
 telling people how I really feel
 but there’s a difference in words
 wish I could take
 the next step
 and just...move on

Over dit gedicht 

Geplaatst op: 08-03-2014

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Gemiddelde cijfer: 8
Aantal beoordelingen: 1

Over deze dichter

Gedichten Blue rose - Vicky (Actief sinds: 08-03-2014)

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