Full moon gathering


From time to time, there will be a full moon gathering.
And we will be under the spell of the moon,
we'll be hoping that someday soon.

The crowd will be excited,
everyone is heartily invited.
So come and join us.

It can be everywhere,
where we see the moons mystical glare.
Everyplace where the night is near.

For those of us who notice,
realizing we are the apprentice.
Of a moon ridden world.

As the moon draws us closer,
we become so much looser.
The chants become clear.

Taking in the moonlight,
growing close to the inner might.
We release our burdens now.

Sharing those secrets,
raising the bets.
Cause the stakes are high.

The moon opens up the treasury of our hearts.
Sung about by the mystical bards.
That sing a song of inner secrets.

Deep in the night,
we have another sight.
As the moonlight is glowing.

Let us lite the fire,
that will truly inspire.
For us to live life itself.

Then the moonlight will have done its work,
and we feel free to mention a smirk.
Enchanted by this mysterious companion in the sky.


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Geplaatst op: 14-07-2020

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B.R. (Actief sinds: 12-07-2020)

Informatie bij het gedicht

Inspired by the full moon I dedicated this poem to the full moon.


Op dit gedicht ‘Full moon gathering’ van B.R. zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op Dichters.nl.

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