
Godefridus Niemans


I really thought I lost it
Removed it from my track
Perhaps just looked in the wrong direction
Suprised to find it back

It Popped up again on that sunny afternoon

You were highly amused ,sitting next to that new blond slut
High heels, big titts, tight ass, one arm around her middle and one hand on her butt.
On the same terrace where I had been seduced
by you

I am still sorry
after all these years, that I gave in for your slippery lies
In love like a stupid sheep
Without any emotion you performed your exchange trick
Put me offside for this new young hot looking chick

I picked up all my pride
moved firmly but discrete, head up, titts forward
To the terrace with your lovers seat
and whispered

Honey, I wantto express my feelings for all the years we shared
you looked up and smiled
I took out ,
and kicked your balls with all the power I got

And it felt marvelous,
it was a bullseye shot

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Geplaatst op: 13-04-2019

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Godefridus Niemans (Actief sinds: 10-04-2019)


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