Worst enemy

Cybthia Bajart

The world is full of enemies.
People smiling as they struggle.
Different parts for every one of these
Who search to complete their puzzle

Some of them are found
Some of them are lost
Or shattered into pieces
By those who came across

And this is when world's worst enemy
Show's it's true face
While most of us will overcome
Some got stuck in place

Either they're up, either they're down
There is no space in between
sometimes they swim, sometimes they drown
As shadows dark and sunlight sheen

You may ask yourself, why do those of who I speak
Don't pull themselves up on dry land?
Keep looking for parts to seek?
Life never goes how ONE has planned!

And right you are, life does go on
Grateful for what it has given me
But now and then she comes along
For I am my worst enemy!

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Geplaatst op: 08-08-2015

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Over deze dichter

Cybthia Bajart (Actief sinds: 08-08-2015)

Informatie bij het gedicht

Written during a dark moment on a sunny day!


Op dit gedicht ‘Worst enemy’ van Cybthia Bajart zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op Dichters.nl.