
Willem Bernardus Tijssen

Sometimes I like to be an other child.
To live my life without regrets and pain.
To be free of concerns of facing tomorrow
And like my need to enjoy the surviving-pool,
I undergo its morning dew fresh and cool.

Sometimes I like to be an other child.
To live my life inside and outside clean.
To see on it with open eyes of wonder.
And like the leaves on a tree I want to become,
Attached with life, living on what will come.

Sometimes I like to be an other child.
To pedal in puddles with my hair in the wind.
To hear the clouds tell their own stories.
And like the clouds are whirling their ways,
In the wind, my life changes colors into every tint.

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Geplaatst op: 06-04-2015

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Willem Bernardus Tijssen (Actief sinds: 02-03-2015)


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