The Land Of The Rising Sun

Willem Bernardus Tijssen

Angel, Angel of the night.
Take my hand and let me reach the light.
Take me through my doubtful fight.
Take me with you at your side.

Angel, Angel hear my cry.
Hear my words in the lonely night.
Hear my voice for the ones, who died.
For the people of the rising light.

Angel, angel wounded nation's sun.
It came down where it earlier begun.
Its pain today is not for fun.
No way to hide in the land of the rising sun.

Angel, angel you are the saint.
You lead the helpless away of a bad taint.
You Lead the sun through its broken gate.
And restore its power above the wounded state.

Angel, angel see the moon.
Fight against the people's doom.
The red, red sun will change all soon,
When it will rise again in the afternoon.

Angel, angel release us from sorrow.
Let us keep faith in tomorrow.
Hear our voices for the ones, who died.
Keep burning the spirit of the land of the eternal light.

Over dit gedicht 

Geplaatst op: 15-04-2015

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Gemiddelde cijfer: 9
Aantal beoordelingen: 1

Over deze dichter

Willem Bernardus Tijssen (Actief sinds: 02-03-2015)

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