The Shadow


 Life in the Shadows is a life of being yourself
 No one recognizes you, live like a Dark Elf
 Be no one, just a presence on the street
 And when they see you run till your feet bleed

 Everyone loves the Light
 And that's all right
 But would there be Light without Shadow
 Without people of the shadow the world would be hollow

 No one can do with only Light
 No one has that kind of might
 Shadow is being what you are
 And in the Light you'll be an Black Star

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Geplaatst op: 19-04-2014

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Over deze dichter

H.L. (Actief sinds: 19-04-2014)

Informatie bij het gedicht

There's no light without shadow, and no shadow without light. So appreciate both, and don't look down upon those that chose to live a life of shadows. Without us there would be no life in the light.


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