Going home,


I'm drowning in my tears,
Hoping that I can sleep again,
That I'm not thinking to much,
Because I want to go home.

The pain inside is killing me,
The wounds are ripped open,
And I dont want to feel again,
That the pain of wounds are open.

Most of the time I'm thinking,
I deserve to be punished,
That I want to hurt myself,
Then I will stop thinking and feeling.

I want so bad to go home,
The walls are killing me,
Everything will be too much,
That I just want to have a hug.

People will ever hate me,
Because of what I did or say,
They will eventually go away,
Because I can't say what I feel.

Eventually they will push me away,
They will forever hate me,
Because they hate me what I did,
And they will never talk to me again.

I'm drowning in my tears,
Trying to fall asleep,
My tears are surrounding me,
That eventually I fall asleep.

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Geplaatst op: 01-03-2018

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DragonWarrior (Actief sinds: 01-03-2018)

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Geschreven op 25 Februari 2018


Op dit gedicht ‘Going home,’ van DragonWarrior zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op Dichters.nl.