Heavenly trip

Joris Olivier

Heavenly trip

I long for a heavenly trip,
with the girl in my head,
traveling together all the way,
to the place we’ll forever stay.

We hold each other very tight,
all day long, and than, all night.
The stiff nipples of your breasts
want my attention, like all the rest.

Our hands explore every square inch
of each others body, inch by inch,
the topics are your pearl and mine.
In our love the sun will always shine.

We both will reach the highest peaks,
not once, not twice, but infinite times.
All our body fluids will flow abundantly,
ecstatic arousals will always come bothly.

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Geplaatst op: 25-10-2023

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Joris Olivier (Actief sinds: 09-06-2023)


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