
Joris Olivier


They say angels are watching me,
they can't tell why I don’t see.
They don’t say why they do,
so I don’t know the clue.

Than in my dream they visit me
and tell me the reason why,
but I wonder, don’t they lie,
it’s just for them and not for me.

So my problem ain’t solved yet,
I doubt, shall I get out or stay in bed.
I really don’t know what to do,
maybe they just talk out of the blue.

This matter remains in my mind,
Angels, aren’t they the third kind,
will they take me high up in the sky,
and that there and than I'll learn why.

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Geplaatst op: 13-08-2023

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Joris Olivier (Actief sinds: 09-06-2023)


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