Home, sweet home

Soul Treasures

Home, sweet home

A place beyond,
so silent and so full
A place beyond,
no gravity, no pull

Just being oh so quiet, so gentle on my own
Yet every soul together,
no feeling of alone

Fully in my own right
No influence no force
Being oh so quiet
with myself and with the Source

No neediness, no greediness
no emptyiness or holes
Just shiny, sparkling, beautiful
tiny wonderful souls

Each so unique yet so familiar
Pure energy, in every other
All beings so complete yet different
Every soul a 'brother'

A family of beings
Connected through the One
Who has been given many names
Whose light so pure shines on

A light that soothes, that heals and comforts
until we all go home, we all can bath in that light
As a child, with every right,

until we all go home

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Geplaatst op: 03-10-2022

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Soul Treasures (Actief sinds: 21-11-2016)


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