Golden drops

Soul Treasures

Golden drops

Each of us has deep inside
A long lost memory
Of beauty, harmony and peace
Of what we used to be

Of who we where when we first came
Of happiness beyond our name
Beyond our form or time

A longing for a comfort
Of being undefined
By what the world expects of us
Or what we have become

A gentle stillness deep within
of where we all belong

It's visible in our longings
It's visible in our dreams

Though sometimes we feel lost
It is nearer then it seems

With each golden drop of memory
Of what lives inside us all
We give a gift of greatness
Enclosed in something small

Our golden drops awaken
A better world to come
And we are all a part of it
Each being as their own

Something new can reemerge by wakening it inside
So please do share your golden drops and let us change the tide

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Geplaatst op: 13-06-2022

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Over deze dichter

Soul Treasures (Actief sinds: 21-11-2016)

Informatie bij het gedicht

Poem inspired by the 2022 Golden Drops initiative


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