The naughty seafarer

Ron Dietvorst

One salty dog took a jug
containing fine Jamaican grog
while the evening breeze is touching his skin
he remembered he couldn't even swim

he took a solid china cup
and poored in the syrup
and with eager gulps the booze he drank
but by bootswain he was given a spank

keelhauled he was te be by captains command
something he didn't quite understand
he wished he was back home in Rotterdam
all he ever did was swallow his oorlam.

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Geplaatst op: 11-03-2021

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Over deze dichter

Ron Dietvorst (Actief sinds: 18-05-2018)

Informatie bij het gedicht

Oorlam was a quantity of an alcoholic drink (mostly jenever)) that wasgiven to sailors as part of their salary. The word find it's origen in the South-african language.


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