I'll brick you a house

Ron Dietvorst

I'm going to brick you
a house in France
what do you imagine
about the Provence?

or do you fancy the Cote-d'Azur
that'll be a hell of a cure
we'll wonder 'round near the beach
with no padre to give us a preach

I'll take you to the market on wednesday
we'll grab some fresh fish from the quai
will you join me for an aperitive, a Cassis?
for lunch we'll have some baguette with saucisse

after that we wll drink the golden sunshine
and 'bouquetteer' some fine noble wine
at the store i'm gonna pick up some moonbeams
and I must not forget to buy a new tin of dreams.

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Geplaatst op: 26-02-2021

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Ron Dietvorst (Actief sinds: 18-05-2018)


Op dit gedicht ‘I'll brick you a house’ van Ron Dietvorst zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op Dichters.nl.