

Some sit comfortably in the shadows such as birds taking refuge in the shade of trees or bushes. For the light of the sun can be overwhelming from time to time so seeking refuge in the shade can be calming and relaxing from time to time.

And what about us do we feel sheltered and soothed by the shades life provides us, or do we insist on some sort of full exposure?

Is it not the night comforting us giving us time to relax and rejuvenate so we may once more feel up to face to the light of the day?

Have we forgotten that day and night, shade and full exposure, light, and darkness are partners relieving each other in a natural cycle that sustains life itself?

Why be so overly attached to either one side fearing even hating the one while admiring and loving the other?

Is that not a sign people have lost touch with the nature of life itself?

Is it not the dark womb of the earth itself who is cherishing all the seeds so they may grow towards the light?

Why fear hate and despise one side of the nature of life fooling yourself thinking to the other side is better?

B.R. '18

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Geplaatst op: 13-07-2020

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B.R. (Actief sinds: 12-07-2020)


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