Masked dance

Ruby Thijs

One, two, three step, one two three, step...
Dancing between four walls.
No windows doors or exit as I recalls.
One hand on his back, one hand in his hand.
Thinking what kind of plot has he planned?
So I am dancing with a mysterious man.
And I can't stop thinking if I am part of his plan?
He hides his face behind a mask.
His name? I don't know, I forgot to ask.
I just keep focussing on the music in the background.
But strangely enough I don't hear a sound?
So I am dancing with the devil all nicght long.
Hoping I will still be alive at the end of the song.
But then a suprised thing accured.
The mask fell of and now I am sure.
It is all getting much clearer.
It is like starring at the mirror.
Because the only face that I could see.
Is the one that looks just like me.

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Geplaatst op: 28-12-2018

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Ruby Thijs (Actief sinds: 23-12-2018)


Op dit gedicht ‘Masked dance’ van Ruby Thijs zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op

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