The Ways Of Love

Willem Bernardus Tijssen

Women, never mary an old guy,
With a lot of money to supply.
Because when his money faded away,
It is just the old guy that stay.
Without the money he would supply,
You become aware your dream was a lie.
Then you will search for a younger guy,
For whose love you are willing to die.

Women, although you now could mary the younger guy,
It will not be the latter, who would your love supply.
Because if your beaty is fading away,
It will not be the young guy that stay.
Without the beaty you would him supply,
It will be him , who would your love deny.
then you will know that in your search for the real loving guy,
It could only be a matter of the choice of your hart,
Which will it you supply.

So women, if you follow the ways of your hart,
You will be the brightest of the smart.
Your first- sight love is of a better kind,
It is not intruded by the ways of mind.
If you find those ways of someone's fame,
Real love could be the name of the game.

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Geplaatst op: 29-03-2015

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Willem Bernardus Tijssen (Actief sinds: 02-03-2015)


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