She needs a rainbow


 when I just closed my eyes
 then for a moment
 I saw a girl in front of me
 scared and she cries

 like the rain that she saw through the window
 her tears rolled down her face
 that brought her to another question
 when comes back the sun into my life
 to give me a beautiful rainbow

 I comforted her, and asked why a rainbow
 she looked at me and said
 Red stands for love, warmth and passion
 Orange stands for, sociability and party
 Yellow stands for, energy, joy and spirit
 Green stands for, hope, peace and nature
 Blue stands for, truth, clarity and dignity
 indigo stands for, integrity, loyalty and perception
 Violet stands for, wisdom, strength and protection
 I lost confidence in all
 therefore I cry and I'm sad, now you know

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Geplaatst op: 15-03-2014

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Anony (Actief sinds: 15-03-2014)

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geschreven en ooit verwijderd....kwam ik tegen weer op forum..


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