Lazy sun

Ron Dietvorst

With the sky wreathed with pearl
the morning sun set in hints of apricot,
uneasy and cramped as if he would
like the night to lest for another hour

I am not uncomfortable with that as
I see you lying there in the bed
legs spread, nose curled and you hair
a mess I am sure this is not because

of stress more so this is like a bless
I guess, well let him do as he pleases
meanwhile we'll sort our a few erogenous
zones with a slight touch of boastfullness.

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Geplaatst op: 28-02-2021

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Over deze dichter

Ron Dietvorst (Actief sinds: 18-05-2018)


Op dit gedicht ‘Lazy sun’ van Ron Dietvorst zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op

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