

 The dark brings peace
 You can rest in the Dark
 Sleep with ease
 Listen when the hell hounds bark

 People think it's evil
 Are afraid of the Dark
 Think everything in the Dark can kill
 Listen when the hell hounds bark

 The Dark is for the outcasts
 No one sees you in the Dark
 Normal people see it as a bad forecast
 Listen when the hell hounds bark

 When you're in peace with it
 You will love the Dark
 It strengthens my spirit
 Listen when the hell hounds bark

 Life can't get you down
 I can go on thanks to the Dark
 With pride I wear the Dark Crown
 Listen when the hell hounds bark

 If you love the dark you ain't afraid
 You will love the pets of the Dark
 It will always give you aid
 That's why you should listen when the hell hounds bark

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Geplaatst op: 19-04-2014

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H.L. (Actief sinds: 19-04-2014)


Op dit gedicht ‘Dark’ van H.L. zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op Dichters.nl.