
Elena Rosa

They where looking for something, they were happy. That was true.
They wanted more, what they had was enough. It was enough.
They found it, miraculously connected. Forever surprised in an instant deep connection.

Her love for him encompasses everything,
she is as rich as the sea with its countless treasures, its endless undiscovered grounds.
She burns like the desert, with its crackling sand, its forever changing hills and valleys.
She is as beautiful as a Scandinavian landscape, shrouded in mystery, where she sometimes shows her beauty.

The endless passion deep in her heart flares up like an all-consuming fire. Her flames lick his being, she consumes him with her burnig soul. Her source of love has been tapped so deeply that she could possibly explode with desire.

The pleasure he brings her is beyond imagination. Such intensity rises above human frequency. Her body, thoughts, her entire being merges with his.

And so they remain, together in this life forever in burnig love. Two loving souls, forever entangled.

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Geplaatst op: 20-02-2024

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Elena Rosa (Actief sinds: 20-02-2024)


Op dit gedicht ‘Burning’ van Elena Rosa zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op Dichters.nl.