blooming in love

myrte schouteeten

in my heart
there’s a field of love,
until I met you,
I took care of it,
as best as I could,
but then I met you

and now
there’s roses growing
on my field of love
and when the winter comes,
you keep them warm,
and you tell them that
spring will be here soon

and every so often
it rains on them,
but your blanket of love
will keep them safe,
will keep me safe,
will keep us safe

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Geplaatst op: 10-07-2023

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myrte schouteeten (Actief sinds: 10-05-2021)

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Ik heb dit gedichtje geschreven ergens in maart toen ik na lange tijd weer eens volop in de verliefdheid ben gevallen :)


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