Open road

Ruby Thijs

Riding a pick-up Truck.
only a one-man bag in the back of my trunk.
My whole life fits in that car.
An adventure, a wish upon a falling star.
An open road afront of me.
So much to see
Just dissapearing in the night.
no struggles, no fights
Sleeping under a star covered sky.
So honest that it just can not lie.
I shout to the air.
Leave al my fear there.
I am not searching for luck.
Just enjoying the silence in my pick-up truck.
No I haven’t lost my way.
There was just no reason to stay.
So I hit the road.
There was nothing left to hold.
Can’t believe that my whole life fits in that car.
And it sounds like wishing upon a falling star.
But I slamed the door behind me.
Riding my pick-up truck and at last feeling free.

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Geplaatst op: 24-12-2018

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Ruby Thijs (Actief sinds: 23-12-2018)


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