
Patros Fibros

 Again and again I am crying,
 Crying because of all the pain.
 Pain from my heart and from my soul,
 Soul wrecked everytime again.

 Again and again I am trying,
 Trying to stay alive.
 Alive with that temptation,
 Temptation to a knife.

 A knife goes to my heart,
 My heart is bleeding,
 Bleeding because of all the pain.
 Pain that you've caused,
 Caused by you like my tears,
 Tears that are falling in the rain.

 Rain don't let see that I am broken,
 Broken because the tears I've spent.
 Spent my whole life for what I've lost,
 Lost my life, lost all my friends.

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Geplaatst op: 15-03-2014

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Over deze dichter

Patros Fibros (Actief sinds: 13-03-2014)

Informatie bij het gedicht

It happens everytime again


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