The best

Joris Olivier

The best

There is a beautiful lady in Iran
of whom I am a very great fan.
She has a marvellous bodyshape,
could make a man’s heart shake.

Her mouth has the color and taste
of what all the men like the most,
her eyes have the twinkling of stars,
her breasts are the world’s best.

She can sing like a nightingale
as the song ‘a whiter shade of pale’,
the hit of the British Procol Harum,
that sounds like a bright classic song.

Maria Callas and Barbra Streisand
would be jealous when they heard her,
and with them I’m sure all the rest.
Yes, this lady is in everything the best.

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Geplaatst op: 16-09-2023

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Joris Olivier (Actief sinds: 09-06-2023)


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