What is hard working ?


What is hard working?//

Life isn’t all about being the best or being populair. Life is about being happy, hard working and have real friends. If you work hard in You’re whole life is there always a prize. People that work hard for they’re money always be on the top. But what is hard working? Does its means you have to work long days? No. If you write a text do it good. Check everything, is it right what I wrote? Ask yourself that question with everything you do in life only then you work hard. And if you’re work hard I swear you be happy for life.

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Geplaatst op: 04-03-2018

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Yarameestersxoxo (Actief sinds: 04-03-2018)

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Ik ben nog maar 14 jaar dus geen iedee of dit een goed gedicht is. :)


Op dit gedicht ‘What is hard working ? ’ van Yarameestersxoxo zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op Dichters.nl.