
C. Laus

Still, grey, it's nothing more than grey,
Recollections of a time where I felt like prey.

To those who sought to still their pain,
Feeling not understood, they made it rain.

My tears filled my eyes for long enough,
Sorrow comes and goes, and it might seem tough.

But when you find that special thing,
That power in you, which only you can bring.

To enlighten other peoples mind,
You'll cut through their walls, which had them blind.

For what they really and truly wanted,
To just be friends, but their minds were haunted.

By thoughts of the past, and what they had missed,
Live and let live, just coexist.

But does that really justify their way?
Or is true justice, the way they will pay???

Today or tomorrow, I am in no hurry,
Judging a memory so vague and blurry.

The time has come, to close this book,
Looking back on this, has my mind shook.

To remember a memory, is to open a wound,
It may hurt allot or even have you consumed.

But what makes a memory so unexplainably awesome,
Is that they're part of who you are, so don't even bother playing possum.

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Geplaatst op: 07-07-2017

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C. Laus (Actief sinds: 06-07-2017)


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