
Edith van Os

I throw myself in this never ending well
Climb down until I hit rock bottom
Where the darkness envelops me whole
My problems completely forgotten
Drowning out every incessant sound
Swimming down into the deepest parts
Where oxygen doesn’t reach
To drown out the beating of my heart
For when I feel I feel it all
The cuts go deeper than you see
If I don’t have a place to hide
Then there would me nothing left of me
Sometimes this place turns into obsession
A tunnel vision with no end
I Keep on walking aimlessly
A never ending descend
One day I’ll decide to turn around
Get bored or come up for air
Swim up when I stop feeling down
Hopefully I’ll see you there

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Geplaatst op: 28-03-2023

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Edith van Os (Actief sinds: 28-03-2023)


Op dit gedicht ‘Obsessie’ van Edith van Os zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op Dichters.nl.