'meant' to be

Soul Treasures

If we can be
who we are 'meant' to be to ourselves
then we will be a gift to the world
that no one else can give
and no one else can decide upon
what that gift has to be

let me be me
like I let you be you
it will be enough
and it will be more
then anyone can imagine

let go of expectations
let go of shame and guild
no need to force, no need to stress

let's be the me
that we want to be
from within

situations will come and go
and will not always be in our hands
but we can move closer to
who we want to be in those situations

trust that if something does not feel right to us
it probably isn't the right thing for us (yet or at all)
and if we feel a need from within
that is not based on fear or anger or a lack of self worth
it probably is what is right for us

we don't have to be like others
it's called others for a reason
we don't have to be 'normal'
because face it,
trying to be 'normal' did not make the world a better place
nor did it make us truly happier people

it's those who dare to stand out, that bring change
let's return to the me
who we feel we are meant to be
and dare to stand out

and if we feel we need time or space
to figure things out, no matter how long it takes
let's allow ourselves that space

because we all are a gift
and gifts should not be wrapped up in layers
that others wish to put on it
but should be unwrapped in all it's glory

let's take our time to unwrap
find ways that fit us,
to help unwrap the gift we are

there is no one size fits all method
let's believe in our own uniqueness
and believe that regardless of what situations we may be in,
we are a gift to the world exactly the way we are
without having to do, or be, someone we are not

being here, being who we are, is enough
as long as it doesn't harm ourselves or anyone else
there is no reason not to be
who we feel we are meant to be

thank you, for being you
and for letting me be me

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Geplaatst op: 08-08-2020

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Soul Treasures (Actief sinds: 21-11-2016)

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