Dance in the Rain
A problem's just a chance
To make your mark
To take a stance
You can only do your best
So why not give it a try
Go on, reach for the sky
Until you touch the stars
It’s not the lost years
But it's how you live
Moments that past
And the love you give
Life is short
Don't delay
Learn to dance in the rain
Let come and go what may
Heavy storms will come
But the storms will also go
Warring hearts will guide
You will let them show
You just have to learn the steps
So move your feet
Embrace the rain
Taste the sweet
Learn to dance
In the storm
Feel your own rhythm
It will keep you warm
Find the heart of beating joy
It doesn't matter if it’s dry or wet
Becours you find it in each drop
Don’t forget
Come on, lets dance in the rain
Don't let yourself wait
Embrace yourself and spin around
Oh-oh It feels so great
Life's like a song
You just have to sing it loud
Go join the fun
And be proud
Over dit gedicht
Geplaatst op: 23-10-2024
Over deze dichter
Mechelina van Tilborgh (Actief sinds: 03-09-2024)
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