Try again

Mechelina van Tilborgh

When the world turns cold, and you lose the thrill
Than it’s time to fight back, find the wonder in the skill
Courage can be a whisper ore a mighty roar
When you fail say; I’ll try again for sure
End of the day I might feel so small
But I stand up tomorrow giving my all

When the ground feels shaky and the skies are grey
Take a step forward, don't fade away
Your strength guide you in it’s own way
Find it in every chance of the day
Every path led you to where you belong
Every step will make you feeling strong

Don't be afraid to go off the beaten track
The world awaits as you take your pact
Through twists and turns you walk this road
Not quite the journey that you’d thought
But every step was meant to be
And than you see, it's making you free

Challenge yourself in times of strife
Find the power to rewrite your life
In the chaos beauty will arise
Just believe in your own highs
Through the silent night a brighter morn
In your life change and strength is reborn

Change your path if the road ain't right
Pave a new way with all your might
Don't let the darkness dim your light
You and everyone else, are unique and bright
You have to say;
I'll try again I'll rise each day
In every moment I'll find my way
With a whisper ore roar I face the night
In the morning I'm ready for a new fight!

Over dit gedicht 

Geplaatst op: 23-10-2024

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Over deze dichter

Mechelina van Tilborgh (Actief sinds: 03-09-2024)

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