Educational journey

Mechelina van Tilborgh

Life can be an educational journey,
we can take each step as a new lessen.
Moments that teach us, can be painful or funny,
don’t stand still just listen, feel the sensation.
In some lessons we can feel the blow,
and some are painful or joy, that’s the only way we know.

Every experience is a path on the map,
face every challenge, don’t let your dreams nap.
Don't hide face it day and night,
living your life, shine with all your might.
Embrace all the hurt and bliss,
in every moment, find the life in this.

So get up, and do something with it,
don't walk away, and don't stand still.
Life is like a creative canvas to submit,
you can paint it with your own will.
Every day you can take a new quest,
you’re the one to take your life to its fullest.

Every tear of sorrow or joy has a own feature,
just like every day has a new teacher.
Some teachers brings us laughter,
some teachers can bring slaughter.
The last one brings strength through sorrows,
so that we, with worthy, can face a new tomorrow.

Through hard work, wisdom gains,
don't hold back because of the pains.
We all have to climb mountains and valleys,
sometimes even through deserted alleys.
But that's how we have to grow,
through trials we flourish, more than we know.

Over dit gedicht 

Geplaatst op: 03-09-2024

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Over deze dichter

Mechelina van Tilborgh (Actief sinds: 03-09-2024)

Informatie bij het gedicht

Educational journey, written on 30-05-2019

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