Piles of yesterdays
shredded to pieces
Bit by bit, the past becomes past
Memories shredding making place for the future
Letting go
making place for the now
History flashing before me once more
Taking leave with a bow
No longer usefuls passed on to new owners
Capable of using what I no longer can
Joy and melancholic, heavy and light
Let it go, let it go, the future IS bright
No more clutter, no more redundants
Space and room for the usefuls remain
I'm whole in the now no longer burdened
By histories image that no longer is
I AM, I BE, who I can be
It's OK as it is, it's the best fitting me
Over dit gedicht
Geplaatst op: 18-08-2024
Over deze dichter
Soul Treasures (Actief sinds: 21-11-2016)
Informatie bij het gedicht
Geschreven 10 Augustus 2018
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