You don't know


You don't know
Who I am
Who's the real girl
You don't see

You don't know
What I feel
What I think
What's my idea
About you

If you take
The trouble
To really get to know me

You'll find out
Who I am
Who's the real girl
You don't see

Then you come to know
That I am who I am
And that no one can change that

You should
Take me as I am
Or watch me as I go
The choice is yours
Are you going
To really get to know me
Or will you let me go

Be care ful with your choice
If you have made it
You can't go back anymore

Do you want
To know
The real girl
You don't see

Take the trouble
To really get to know me

I am who I am
And no one can change that
Take the trouble
To really get to know me

Do you want
To know
The real girl
You don't see

Take the trouble
To really get to know me

I am who I am
And no one can change that
Take the trouble
To really get to know me

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Over dit gedicht  

Geplaatst op: 17-04-2014

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Over deze dichter

Veronique-jee (Actief sinds: 17-04-2014)

Informatie bij het gedicht

Veel mensen kennen me wel bij naam en/of gezicht, maar ze kennen me niet echt. Daar baal ik van. Ik word er af en toe helemaal gek van. Daarom heb ik er een gedicht/liedje over geschreven.


Op dit gedicht ‘You don't know’ van Veronique-jee zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op