The secret within


I found a portal deep within
Preciously it was hidden under my skin
There I found me
There I found you
There I found the truth

My life blocked, happiness stopped
My body failed, every shore I sailed
A voice kept whispering in my head
The truth lies within preciously kept

Do you dare to dive deep within
Do you dare to go under your skin
Do you dare to hit rock bottom
And fall in the depths of your eternal soul

No more I want to fear
No more I want to search
No more I want to get lost
So I dove
And dove
And dove again and again

A secret long lost
A secret kept hidden at every cost
A secret you won t believe
Ages and ages you ve been deceived

Human you are God
And everyone with you is God
We just started to believe something else
And slowly we drifted away from divine wells

We started to believe we were less
So pain, fear, decay and dead moved in
Until this day we believe in this mess

Since your thoughts are divine
The universe must obey every mind

So people please let your thoughts
think the divine truth every moment and more
So we can all sail a new shore
So we can walk out of troubled water
As Kings and Queens in the Glory of then
Forever living, beautiful, healthy and happy again

As our Creator wanted for all woman and men

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Geplaatst op: 27-11-2016

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Over deze dichter

Beth (Actief sinds: 26-11-2016)


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