

Sitting in an empty corner
Staring in the flames of life
Wish I had a different story
Another way to survive

My mind is spinning circles
My head almost explode
Grasping for the inner silence
But I cannot find the code

Unbearable to deny it
It's all just one hopeless mess
The peacefulness once here
Made place for emptiness

'Be here now' I whispered
But why I can't just let it go?
All the illusions I'm holding on to
Dealing with the depths of my soul

Prisoner of my own story
While everybody only sees
The glimp of their reality
and again..the ego fills it's needs

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Geplaatst op: 04-06-2019

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vlinder (Actief sinds: 03-06-2019)


Op dit gedicht ‘illusions’ van vlinder zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op