If there was no tomorrow.


If there was no tomorrow,
I would say I love you
I would have screamed to not let me go
I would have begged you to carry through

As if you were the only one to know
I would ask you what we should do.
but i don't know if we can fix this tho
I would not have called you my boo.

If there was no tomorrow,
I would have wished to remove us
so everything you said would not be the cause of my sorrow
cause your word are stuck in a big discuss

I would give you back my broken heart
and wish i would have been strong
because now i am just sitting in the dark
and i wish i would not have been so wrong

If there was no tomorrow
i would ask you all the questions
instead of asking them to myself all those nights ago
i would let you choose between my own suggestions

wondering why you lied to me
and are laughing with her
i guess you can just not see
that you were my perfect saboteur

If there was no tomorrow
I would know that was a lie
i know i would still be low
and i would remember you are still the bad guy.

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Geplaatst op: 26-06-2019

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Her (Actief sinds: 26-06-2019)

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Op dit gedicht ‘If there was no tomorrow.’ van Her zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op Dichters.nl.