
la plume

Your lips are just a few seconds away
but between your face and mine
are two life times
drawing their lines

Can we cross the borders that divide us, can we tunnel under or fly over, can we now, or will we crash. Is there a bridge strong enough, long enough. Oh how, oh how can we sustain

We talk in different tongues
gesture from our benches
watch the ball bounce of
our personal defenses

Can we blast these walls, knock down the bricks, or will we fumble. Can we climb our barricades, let them crumble, or will we stumble and fall. Oh how, can we maintain

You're my lifeline, hooked on me
But I'm a Wooly Sculpin
dreaming of the deep
whirling to be free

Can we sail the sea between us, board the waves as one, or will we fail. Can we swim, play, stay together, can we now. Oh how, oh how can I prevent from going under, leaving you the void

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Geplaatst op: 01-10-2017

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la plume (Actief sinds: 30-09-2016)


Op dit gedicht ‘Spin’ van la plume zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op Dichters.nl.