Look next to you


 no matter where life will lead you to
 I will always stand beside you

 I do not always let you know
 but I love you so very much
 that I can never let you go

 you mean everything to me
 when I close my eyes
 then it's you who I can still see

 how strange it may seem
 I always think of you
 every second of every day
 even at night in my dream

 so let your fears go away
 and just look next to you
 because that's the place
 where I always will stay

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Geplaatst op: 15-03-2014

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Anony (Actief sinds: 15-03-2014)


Op dit gedicht ‘Look next to you’ van Anony zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op Dichters.nl.