hatred full of love

Nimi (T) K.

I can't believe it
when she's looking at you
Shouldn't perceive this
but look what you do
Your body's moving
walking towards the moon
With her in your arms,
God, I wish I could, too

The skies are clear
and you look at her
Your lips shape, I shouldn't care
But when I go away

I see the way you look at me
When we're alone, I'm all you can see
The days are lonely, but we don't mind
Whoever you're with, there will be a time
Where you come back to me and stay forever
Hold my hand, caress my back, and
tell me from the depth of your heart:
"Darling, we will never fall apart"

Oh, I wish I could believe it
But it always ends up in pieces
Pretty, little, harmless lies
My love, aren't I looking devine?

Yet you don't want to make me
Feel so good, make me feel free
But that's all I did for you
All I asked for was to feel that, too
You always walk away, but when you don't
You're next to me, talking as if you're stoned
Chéri, this is a situationship
My love, can't we be in a relationship?

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Geplaatst op: 20-04-2024

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Nimi (T) K. (Actief sinds: 20-04-2024)

Informatie bij het gedicht

hoi! dit is een van mijn engelse gedichten die ik op deze platform hier deel. hopelijk vinden jullie het mooi! <3


Op dit gedicht ‘hatred full of love’ van Nimi (T) K. zijn auteursrechten van toepassing (©). Het gedicht is onder auteursrechtelijke bescherming geplaatst op Dichters.nl.