
Priest Ambrose


You are like the sun at a clear sky.
You are like the moonlight by candlelight, with a glass of wine.
Of all those who starve from hunger, you are my
greatest hunger.
Of all the fruit, you are the sweetest.
Of all the soft moments of tenderness, you are the most tender.
Do you hear my hunger in you?
Do you feel my hunger through my voice in you?
Do you feel it in your lips, in a kiss my lips thatching breathless your lips, a deadly kiss?
You know.
You have been kissed before.
Do you feel it in your breast?
Does your nipple grow by each longing word for you spoken out from me?
Do you feel it in your lap, my toy in your toy?
You know.
You have been loved before.
Do you long for me as for a glass of water by extreme thirst, as for
food by extreme hunger, as for a summer breeze by extreme heat, as a flower longs for the sun, as a burning desire to be blast, a baby for the nipple of mothers breast?
What an energy doesn’t it ask for such a little child to come so on his milk?
Are you melting for my gentle words?
How would you feel in my arms?
I know that you long to be longed.
That’s what I do
with all of my heart.
and with my sometimes growing tail.
Would you like to be taken by me?
I am very jealous for your body, that you girls feel so intense.
Come over as a light flash?
rather do it at home, than over the phone.

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Geplaatst op: 05-11-2023

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Priest Ambrose (Actief sinds: 04-11-2023)


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